FW Drive Loan and Leasing Program

FW Drive is a loan and lease program available to our licenced automotive dealer partners. The program offers dealers an additional finance option for their clients. The program is designed to assist clients who are non-prime, sub-prime, have limited or no credit, 900 SIN, self-employed or sub-contractors, in the service industry, in or just out of bankruptcy/consumer proposal or many other circumstances where a traditional lender does not fit. The vehicle may be older, and the term offered by a bank does not meet the clients payment needs. With finance rates from 11.95% to 25.0% we are able to offer a lot of approvals.

Our philosophy of "Find A Way to Say Yes" means our credit team thinks outside the box and works with the dealer to find a way to offer an approval. With an easy submission process, quick conditional approvals, online portal, simple paperwork and electronic funding we can be the finance partner that helps deliver an extra deal or two every month.

Dealer inquiries can be emailed to or contact us by phone.

This program is currently available in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan with plans to expand to Manitoba in the near future.


Vehicle Finance program is an equity based automotive loan and lease program available to approved dealers.

Private Sale Financing

Buying a used car privately or selling a car? Finance West can facilitate a car loan for private sale.

Collector Car Financing

Collector car financing to licenced approved dealers or individuals looking to finance their dream vehicle.

Title Loans

Our Title Loans program allows a client to access equity in their vehicle.


Repair financing options for Automotive, Heavy Truck, Autobody and Accessory shops.

Powersports RV Financing

Powersport finance program for dealers who want to offer financing options to their customers.

Credit Care

Rebuild, Repair and Establish New Credit. For as little as $15.00/mth

Credit Applications

Access credit applications for: Automotive Finance, Repair Finance, Title Loans and Commercial Leasing.

Trusted Affiliates

Our trusted affiliates are business partners, dealer partners and service providers to Finance West we are happy to recommend. 

Dealer Login

Existing dealers of our finance program log in to the dealer portal here.


Here is what some of our customer say about us. Read our reviews or write your own Testimonial.

Contact Finance West

Questions? Dealers or Customers please contact us via email, live chat or phone. We look forward to helping you.